
Coupon service only for those who saw the official website.


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Bean sprouts namul 1 serving free

Coupon.1 Detail

Service content changes according to the number of people.
1 person…[Bean sprouts namul] 1 serving free
2~4 person…[Kimchi assorted] 1 serving free
5~8 person…[Kimchi assorted + Bean sprouts namul] 1 serving free

add to the home screen

How to add to the home screen.
Access the site( with smartphone. You can jump from the QR code to the official site.
How to add to the home screen,
In the case of iPhone, please click here.
In the case of android, please click here.

  • * Please tell the clerk to use the coupon at the first order.
  • * If the service target menu is out of stock,Change to another menu.
  • * Can not be combined with other coupons.


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In the content about the store.

Coupon.2 Detail

Service content changes according to the Number of followers
More than 100 followers…[Bean sprouts namul] 1 serving free
More than 500 followers…「Kimchi or Namul assorted」1 serving free
More than 1,000 followers…「Bean sprouts namul + One grilled innards」1 serving free

Post reviews on SNS.
  • * Please tell the clerk to use the coupon at the first order.
  • * If the service target menu is out of stock,Change to another menu.
  • * Can not be combined with other coupons.